More, Better, Faster! is currently closed. But we are reopening enrollment soon! Please sign up to be notified as soon as we do!
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Do you dream of a successful career in
show business?

Are you an actor, writer, director, producer, composer, playwright, designer, business owner or any other kind of creative show business professional?
Are you frustrated by your lack of progress toward your goals?


Isn't it  time you:

Book that role?

Sell that screenplay?

Get the greenlight?

Raise the financing?


Isn't it  time you:

Finally get the success, recognition and money you've been working for?


Now, you can

Achieve More,
Do it Better, and 
Get it Faster

than you ever believed possible! 

 Let me show you how to

Make it in show business!

Make great money!

Experience greater happiness and fulfillment.

Hi, I'm Gordon Firemark.
For nearly 30 years as an entertainment lawyer, consultant, and advisor, I've worked  with some of the most successful creative and business people in show business.  
In that time, I have observed the traits and behaviors of the most successful among them, and developed a system and techniques that's helped hundreds of entertainers, entrepreneurs and professionals to achieve amazing things:
  •  Producing Broadway musicals and blockbuster films.
  • Writing and Directing  Plays, Musicals, Films and Television
  • Performing  in Film, Television, and on Stage all around the world
  • Publishing bestsellers;
  • Conducting World-Famous Orchestras in venues  and recording studios on every continent;
  • Launching production studios, networks and channels;
  • Growing their businesses and incomes to 7-,  8-,  and even 9-figures!


    Now, let me ask you:

Are you ready to  succeed at this level?

Are you ready to do what it takes?

Are you ready to achieve what you desire?


More. Better. Faster

A 3-month transformational training  
and coaching experience for show business professionals.


This intensive, high-touch, high-impact program will:

  • forever change how you think about your career and business

  • show you the right way to develop a concrete plan for achieving your goals, 

  • help you find more more fulfilling   work;

  • Increase your income, grow your influence and enhance your status in the business;

  • instill the supreme  confidence to really go after what you really want.


You will go from:

  frustrated,  undervalued STRUGGLING ARTIST 


 focused, productive, and well-paid SHOW-BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL!

No more dead-end, soul-sucking jobs that leave you without time or energy for creativity.
No more working for "exposure" that never really  delivers on its promise.
No more chasing after the latest new strategy.

 Just success!

When you enroll in MORE, BETTER, FASTER!

you receive

3 Months Transformational Group Coaching

Bi-monthly online group sessions to help you get laser-focused on your values, purpose & goals,  develop epic strategies and identify solutions to your specific challenges and obstacles

Monthly Master Class Learning Sessions

Learn  more as experts and guest instructors present new material, skills and strategies to  improve your progress, accelerate progress, and enhance your experience.

Full Personal Effectiveness Formula Online Training

(A $397 Value)
 5 modules of  video lessons  get you on-track quickly with easy-to-follow strategie and powerful exercises to help you right away.

Accountability, Support & Community

Your coaches and peers will support you all the way when you become part of our exclusive, private facebook group. Free with your purchase.

PLUS! checklists,  worksheets, templates, and tools  to help you get and stay on course toward your goals.


You will:

  • Make more money;

  • Book more, better jobs

  • Sell more of your material, more often;

  • Find greater recognition and reward;

  • Experience greater happiness;

  • Enjoy more healthy and satisfying relationships;

  • Find your reward serving the world with your unique talent and brand of greatness!

Why Coaching?

Top athletes, entertainers and business leaders all work with coaches and trainers to keep them at peak performance.  Isn't it time you did too? 


Working with coaches helps you identify and address your blind spots… The limiting beliefs and behaviors that hold you back.



Your coach will force you to dig deep, to discover and  connect your core values and actions to your goals  and actions so you take a purpose-driven approach to achieving  more, better, faster!


Your coach will  provide  this most important success factor, so you continue your progress toward your goals consistently, gaining momentum as you proceed.

When you enroll in the More, Better, Faster! experience, you will:


  • Align your values, purpose, mission and goals

  • Take yourself, your career, and business to the next level!

  • Book more good jobs

  • Make more money

  • Gain recognition and influence

  • Fast track your results

  • Build momentum

  • Feel more satisfied and fulfilled along the way.

The Personal Effectiveness Formula Course*
included absolutely free! 

(*separately, a $397 Value)

5 Modules of  detailed  video training  to get you aligned and on-track toward your success quickly and efficiently:


  • Module 1:  Assessment

Learn who you are, where you're going, and what drives you

  • Module 2:  Strategy

Develop the ideal strategy for you and your personality.  Here is where you'll refine your goals and adopt the mindset necessary to achieve them.

  • Module 3: Action

Take action with an eye toward being more effective than busy, getting the right things done, and knowing when to stop, too!

  • Module 4: Measurement

Explore and establish the metrics that, when measured and tracked and interpreted, will help you achieve greater results.

  • Module 5: Momentum

Build and use your momentum to accelerate your progress.

"Before the course, I was not performing regularly and was only dreaming about putting on my own show and starting my own band. I'm now producing my own show and my band is playing every week! I'm also very excited to be launching a magic school in the fall. Very grateful to Gordon and the group for the help they've been in keeping me working towards my goal and for the encouragement along the way."

Jonathan Skye

"Had I not done this , I donā€™t think I would have realized something that's been so helpful in order to make me unstoppable. You pushed me... pushed me to kind of think beyond. I have my mission statement, my vision statement, my purposeā€¦ It helps me stay focused. Thereā€™s so much more growth that comes upā€¦ because I am much more accountable even now (a year later)."

Sunny Gault
CEO, Parents On Demand Network

Sorry! Doors are Closed For Now.

Click the button below to join our waiting list and be the first to learn when More, Better Faster! is offered again,


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