Now You Can
Get your Legal and Business Affairs in order without costly lawyers fees!
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If you want to be taken truly seriously at anything, you've got to get legit about it!
You've got to think like a pro;
You've got to plan like a pro; and,
You've got to act like a pro... behave in a profession manner.
Professionalism Counts,
even if you're a hobbyist.
If you want to be taken seriously, have an impact, and maybe even make some money podcasting, (whether as a full-time career or as a side-hustle), you absolutely must get your business set up, and the legal frameworks in place to protect yourself, structure your operations, manage your personnel and intellectual property, and most importantly, do business with clients and customers.
What if...
What if getting your podcasting business set up right, so it's "Legit" was fast, easy and affordable?
What if getting the legal work done for your podcast business was something you could do easily for yourself, and still feel confident that it's been done correctly?
What if there were a set of frameworks, instructions, templates and tools that would make your podcast's legal set-up simple?
Hi, I'm Gordon Firemark,
The Podcast Lawyer™
I help podcasters who think, plan, and act like real professionals to get set up as businesses to go pro, So they can make money with podcasting as their career or profitable side hustle.
I've created Easy Legal For Podcasters to make the legal parts of forming, organizing, and operating your business dead simple, so you can do it yourself, safely, confidently and affordably.
After practicing entertainment and media law for nearly 30 years, I can tell you with absolute certainty that advertisers, sponsors, networks, and platforms don't want to do business with amateurs and hobbyists. And when they sometimes DO make such deals, getting the legal affairs in order is always the first step in the process.
“Whether you're in it as a hobby, a side hustle, or as your main gig, getting your business and legal affairs in order is the best way to feel confident and secure so you can grow, monetize and supercharge your podcasting operation and go forward for big success, impact and influence”
Until you do, you'll be at risk of:
- Getting taken advantage of
- Losing Control of your podcast and business
- Losing money
- Missing out on opportunities
- Spending too much
- staying right where you are now, hoping for a magic pill.
- Continuing to play small.
Easy Legal For Podcasters is a unique online, do-it-yourself legal training program I've designed specifically for podcasters like you.
With Easy Legal For Podcasters, you will:
- Select and form the appropriate entity for your professional podcast business
- Register your podcast title as a trademark
- Develop a system to register your copyrights in a timely fashion
- Properly structure your relationships with co--owners, co-hosts, co-producers, and other collaborators
- On-board team members with appropriate contracts and protections
- Make advertising, affiliate and endorsement deals that make sense.
- make more money podcasting.
“Whether you're in it as a hobby, a side hustle, or as your main gig, getting your business and legal affairs in order is the best way to feel confident and secure so you can grow, monetize and supercharge your podcasting operation and go forward for big success, impact and influence”
Here's what's inside:
Easy Legal For Podcasters is a comprehensive 4-Part framework for structuring, protecting, operating and growing your podcasting business from the ground up.
Inside each module, you'll receive step-by-step instructions and demonstrations, plus all the forms and templates needed to complete things quickly and easily.
- How to select the proper form of entity
- Why you should use a business entity
- When to form a business entity
- Where to form your business entity
- How-to Corporation and LCC formation walkthroughs

Your Legit Team Structure
- Working with employees
- Working with independent contractors
- Working with Co-hosts and other collaborators
- Key provisions in employment, contractor, and co-creator contracts
Your Legit Intellectual Property Strategy
- How to obtain and protect all of your various forms of intellectual property.
- How to register your podcast title as a trademark, so you can prevent others from adopting confusingly similar titles.
- How to License content from others for use in your podcasts.
- How to avoid claims of plagiarism and infringement
- Understanding the Fair Use defense

Your Legit Client & Customer Strategy
- How to structure agreements with clients and customers
- How to document business relationships effectively.
- How to keep necessary business records and for how long
- Negotiation strategies and tips.
Checklists, Templates and Sample Documents
In addition to all of the instruction, you also receive my attorney-drafted template agreements, plus checklists and other tools you'll use to make getting your business and legal affairs in order fast and easy.

Course Extras

Your Legit Business Plan (Bonus Module)
- Why you should create a business plan, even if you're not looking for funding.
- Step-by-step training on how to create a business plan that will serve you and your business into the future.
Crafting a compelling vision for your podcast business
In a unique exercise, develop clarity of vision, purpose and goals for your business. See it before you build it.

"The most important thing you must do if you are going to become a podcasting professional and make money in this field is get your legal affairs in order."
You might be thinking...
It's too expensive.
It's true, hiring lawyers to get your legal affairs handled IS an expensive proposition. Easy Legal For Podcasters is different. With this program, you do your legal yourself, with our expert guidance, instruction and resources.
I can't afford it.
Can you really afford NOT to? Isn't it more expensive NOT to get your legal affairs in order. Aren't you leaving money on the table?
How much more money could you make if you just invest in positioning yourself as a professional so you can more effectively monetize your podcast?
Risks? What risks?
One lawsuit is all it takes to bankrupt most individuals. Podcasting is media, and media has the potential to cause harm. Say the wrong thing, use the wrong bit of material, or hurt someone's reputation. That's all it takes. Not to mention the risk that someone on your team will decide that they're a co-owner, or worse, that they're the sole-owner, and try to push you out. You may not see them, but there ARE risks. Getting your legal affairs in order helps reduce those risks. It just makes sense.
I don't need to / I'm too small to be at risk.
Are you, really too small? Do you want to stay that way, or do you want to grow, and increase your income? Until you get your legal protections in place, you'll remain risk-averse.
Professionals take risks that propel their businesses because they know they've got their protections in place.
Consider this:
You (probably) don't need a Lawyer.
My fellow attorneys don't want me to tell you this, but unless your business is fairly complex, you can do much of the legal work yourself. (Especially if you've got a resource like Easy Legal For Podcasters to show you the way) Do you know anyone who's DIY'd their legal affairs successfully?
If you can figure out podcasting, you've got this.
(It'll seem downright easy!)
Business and legal stuff is only scary if you don't know what to do. With this program, if you can follow step-by-step instructions and fill out simple forms, you can totally do this.
You're only small because you're not playing big.
How will you ever grow bigger until you start playing the bigger game. That means acting like a pro by handling your business and legal affairs.
Can you really afford NOT to get your legal and business affairs in order? If not now, when will you start taking your business (and yourself) seriously?
How long have you already waited?
Sure it takes a bit of time (not as much as you think) to get your legal affairs squared away. But that's no excuse for waiting. The longer you wait, the farther off your success will stay. Isn't it worth investing a bit of time now so you can play big and step on the gas in your business?
What some of our successful students say –
(This program was previously offered in a live, all-day online workshop format, known as the Podcaster's Legal & Business Bootcamp)
"It gives me peace of mind, to know that what I hope to build will not easily collapse from some legal newbie mistake that I probably would have made, if I had not sought out competent legal advice in this field."
– Johnny Pennington
"Your bootcamp was amazing! I truly enjoyed every second of it. You are a wealth of knowledge and it was my pleasure joining in your discussion and teachings. Look forward to many more discussions and bootcamps with you."
– Jeffery Koslosky
“Working with Gordon has been an absolute delight. Not only has he helped me navigate the business, but he’s also acted as an invaluable trusted/strategic adviser.... a game changer, on so many levels.”
When you enroll in Easy Legal For Podcasters today, you get all this:
- Our comprehensive 4-Part Easy Legal for Podcasters Framework ($2,000 Value)
- Step By Step Instructions and How-To Videos so you can form your corporation or LLC without hiring a lawyer (Save $3,000 or more)
- Instructions and step-by-step training on how to register your podcast title as a trademark without hiring a lawyer ( Save at least $3,000)
- All the checklists, worksheets, templates and legal forms needed to maintain your business' legal operations effectively. ($1,000 Value)
- Learn how to make smart, secure contracts with collaborators, co-owners, employees, freelancers, vendors, clients and more. (priceless)
A value of $10,000 or more!
Our No-Risk Satisfaction Guarantee
If, for any reason you are not completely satisfied with Easy Legal For Podcasters within the first 90 days after your purchase, simply let us know, and we will refund your purchase price.
Don't wait. Get Legit and Go Pro today!
Enroll NowPlus, when you enroll now, you'll also receive these added bonuses:

Easy Legal Conference Calls
Each month, you'll have the opportunity to join our founder, Gordon Firemark, The Podcast Lawyer™ live for Q&A, legal updates and strategy discussions.

Guest Expert Master Classes
Exclusive, members-only access to our online master-class sessions with podcast business experts. Learn marketing strategies, audience development, etc.

The Podcast, Blog & New Media Producer's Legal Survival Guide
This e-book is the definitive guide to the legal aspects of podcast content, journalism, and regulatory restrictions
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What Easy Legal For Podcasters is not.
Easy Legal For Podcasters is not a get-rich quick scheme.
Easy Legal For Podcasters will not show you how to attract a larger audience, increase downloads, or attract better guests.
Easy Legal For Podcasters does not establish an attorney-client relationship. It is not a substitute for custom-tailored legal advice offered after a full investigation of facts and law pertaining to your specific situation. You are purchasing information provided for educational purposes only.
This program is focused on getting your podcast business legit. Set up. Ready for action. But it's up to you to make that action happen.